In-House Ministries
One Team. One Body.
"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. Each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Ephesians 4:16 NLT
Led by M.I.T. Charmar Jones, the Greeters and Ushers are responsible for making all of our guests and visitors feel welcome and ensuring that all needs are met during services.
Keepers of the House
Led by Pastor Alisha Jones, our Keepers of the House team makes sure that our sanctuary is always clean and presentable.
Altar Workers
Led by M.I.T. Charmar Jones, our altar workers help to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests as the Holy Spirit moves during service.
Tech/AV Team
Led by M.I.T. Christie Wright, The Tech/AV team manages live-streaming, website management, and social media maintenance to ensure an optimal online experience.
Music Ministry
The musicians of the ministry use their anointed gifts to reach God's people through music.
Praise and Worship Team
As a ministry with a heart for God and a passion for worship, our praise and worship team, led by Apostle, uses their anointed voices to bless God and serve His people.
Outreach Team
Led by Pastor Alisha Jones, our outreach team helps to prepare, support, volunteer, set-up, and clean-up any outreach related events.
Culinary Team
Led by Sister Carolyn Browne, our culinary team manages all events requiring food preparation and service.
Sprouts Team
Led by Sister Caretta Miller, the Sprouts Team works together to provide a safe, enriching, and fun environment for the Grow Place sprouts during our Children's Church.
Leadership Team
Elevated by Apostle, anointed by God, our leadership team works together to achieve Apostle's vision for the ministry.
Finance Team
Hand-selected by Apostle to manage the all finance responsibilities for The Grow Place.
Administration Team
Hand-selected by Apostle to manage the administrative tasks of The Grow Place.